Sunday 8 January 2012

It's a boooooooooooyyyyyyyy!!!

ohhh bloody hell haha.

So after years and years of pleading with my mum to give me a little sister, she gives me a little brother instead, then after loads of finger crossing hoping mine is a little girl... I get a boy!!!! I think I am destined to be surrounded by men my whole life.

I was SO sure it was a girl, I nearly bought a little wasp dress and everything, I'm glad I didn't!!

We're trying to think of boys names now, we kind of just thought of lots of girls names, Bella... Bonnie... we had the middle names sorted, I would use my mums mothers name and Callum his Grandmothers name. But um... now.. my dad suggested I use my granddads name, Cyril. I'm sorry Dad, As fond as I am of papa Cyril, I cannot use his name for a poor little baby.

So we're back to the drawing board! I've had so many suggestions from everyone for names but there is nothing that really stands out to me, the search continues!

In other news I'm in the process of the dreaded house moving. I've decided to move back to my home county of Cornwall for a while, Dads sorted me out a flat down there and from what I've seen it looks very posh indeed. However I doubt all will run smoothly, estate agents are like dealing with the devil but fingers crossed ay!

Right now I want to move as soon as I can, I want to start becoming part of a community and meeting other young mums and preggos, I love my friends in London but it's getting to a point now where I can't stay awake (or sociable) after 5 o clock, which is of course when everyone suggests meeting up! So Londons feeling a little lonely these days and there is only so much time Callum and I can spend together before killing eachother... yes we have become those people who sit in bed doing our own thing, him on his phone playing some gangster game and me watching one born every minute, over and over again.

My mum and I are hording together as much stuff as we possibly can! What with her knowing what seems like every mother in Cornwall, she's managed to blag me a fair amount of equipment! I'm so looking forward to buying loads of babygrows and getting my little princes room all set up. I just want to start right now!

Anyway, here's his little sailor outfit.

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