The most significant of all has been my move from London to Cornwall. Difficult doesn't even begin to describe what it's been like, I left my beautiful bedroom in holloway, got in my car, dropped Callum off at his and left. I cried pretty much all the way back, every traffic light I stopped at I had to fight the urge to turn my car around or just get out and run. But I didn't, because deep down I know that Cornwall is the only way I can make any kind of future for my baby and I.
So I've moved into my amazing new flat, it's the first time I've lived totally on my own and I actually quite like it, it's a bit like my own little sanctuary where everything is my way and all just so. It took me a while to stay here though, I kept staying at my mums like a little lost lamb and following her about all cushy, but I've manned up now!
So on the baby front all is well and good, baby boy is perfect as far as we call all tell, he doesn't look so much like a fox/dog/frog any more, seems like he's grown into his face a bit, in fact I think he's quite pretty. My body is changing every single day, my bra is getting tighter and my pants don't fit anymore, I've moved into maternity jeans and people stand up on the tube for me now! - I went to London for a few days to see Callum, turns out distance makes the heart grow fonder, I think I love him more now than I ever have. But anyway, yeah I can make my belly button pop inside out if I push hard enough and my nipples are all oozy, it's gross but awesome, I've never been so vile, I'm like a wind machine too, I have no shame any more.
Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks...
I had a little moment in Hospital, came off of anti depressants too quickly and kept falling into stuff:
My future pram:
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