Tuesday 22 November 2011

8 weeks!


Soooososooo. Today I went for my consultation with 'special obstetrics' to make sure that I am all clear to go ahead with project baba.
AAAAAAND, I'm all good to go. The worst I'm told to expect is quite bad back pain/pain in my operated areas due to strain, but it's something which will have to be monitored over time.
I can handle pain anyway, I LOOOOVE THE PAIN!

Also, I went down to the early pregnancy clinic and kind of made little moany 'feel sorry for me' noises at them, told them about the severe period pains I've had and sharp abdominal pains....
Ok so I've had hardly any pain at all but I was just so desperate to meet my babe!

So up I hopped fanny-a-free legs swinging onto the bed as she lubed up what looked like something you'd find in the back of Anne Summers andpopped a jonny on it. I nervously laughed wondering why no one else thought it was weird.

then up it popped, as if by magic. My baby. My first baby, my little bit of life. Up on the screen, a tiny heart beat fluttering, "there's the head and there's the bum" To be honest is looked like a big grey smudge, but it choked me. I looked over to Callum who was trying to look all cool and relaxed but I saw that little smile which he quickly tried to hide.

I'll never forget that moment. it was just incredible. I can't wait until week 12 now where I get to see a proper baby shaped thing. with legs and all!

I'll put up a photo tomorrow, Callums having problems working out the technology of an iphone (we took a photo of the screen)

In terms of how I feel physically, I can feel muscles going a bit achey in my belly now, I think that means I'm starting to get fat, I can't wait, people will give me a seat on the tube, I won't have to look at them all sad and start looking like my legs are hurting and I feel faint (I hate standing on the tube) The nausea has subsided for now, but my dreams are pretty vivid, last night I dreamt about a black dude who called himself 'Ice' and dressed all in white and sung to me about the importance of sun cream.
My emotions are ridiculous, crying at the drop of a hat, and not even a little bit, THE WHOLE WORLD IS OVER kind of cry.

Anyway, I'm snoozy now, off to watch more shit t.v while I wait and see if I can go back to work.

Night y'all!

R. x


  1. HEY ROSIE. Guess what? YOU'RE HAVING A BABY! WOO! And guess what, email TFL and they'll send you a baby on board badge so that you can get a seat even if you don't look preggy yet.

    Also, you're amazing. Keep on doing that xx

  2. hahaha I hate those gay badges.

    and thanks :) thanks for all your help. xx
